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I Need A Label For …

A label is a label is a label. Unfortunately, not. Every application requires a set ofquestions to be answered to determine the best label for your product. When specifying a label, it’s best to start with “what do I want the label to do?” forexample: I want it to be automatically applied to a plastic […]

Design Guide for Recyclability

Don’t be fooled; for all its “greenness”, recycling is a business. Recyclers have to have an end market for their products or they will not be willing to continue recycling. As we get better at curbside and commercial recycling—building up reliable wastestreams—there still needs to be a requirement for the end products. So how does […]

Bars Wraps are Booming

You’re busy and you’re hungry. If you’re like millions of Americans, you don’t always have the time or the energy to prepare and pack a homemade snack to fuel your hectic lifestyle. Instead, you might rely on quick, ready-to-eat items like snack bars to provide the energy and protein you need between meals. (Let’s face […]

5 Reasons to Consider a Bar Wrap Redesign

5 Reasons to Consider a Bar Wrap Redesign. Changing your package design is a decision not to be taken lightly. Here are some areas you might want to consider before moving forward with a redesign