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The Importance of Flexible Packaging Pouch Integrity Testing

best preformed pouches designs

Flexible packaging pouches are no longer an innovative package; they are everywhere! From food to chemicals, pouches are a standard format for packaging. There are many advantages to using flexible packaging pouches: it’s lightweight and easy to transport; it’s simpler to construct than more traditional forms of packaging like glass and metal, which, in turn, […]

How Packaging Prevents Food Waste

flexible packaging solutions

Food waste is a major problem in our society, with an estimated one-third of all food produced worldwide is lost or wasted. This not only has economic and environmental consequences, but it also means that people are going hungry while perfectly good food is being thrown away. One solution to this problem is packaging. Here’s […]

Flexible Packaging for Face Masks – Billions Glow Up

liquid fill sachets

New year, new glow — at least, that’s what the skincare industry is banking on for 2022. And though countless brands are pushing their cleansers, toners, and creams, there is one quick-fix productconsumers can’t seem to get enough of: the face mask. Check out the Instagram and Snapchat accounts of celebrities like Chrissy Teigen, Busy […]

Packaging as Advertising

packaging company

Advertising is a massive industry. This year, companies are projected to spend an estimated $231.81 billion in media ads to extend the reach of their products and amplify their brand recognition, according to Statista. That number can be alarming for the millions of companies and small businesses who don’t have the means or the desire […]

Fortis Renew Wash off labels contribute to a circular economy.

As you’re painfully aware, nothing about 2020 onwards has been normal. But it hasn’t been all bad, either. Despite a pandemic, people are still thinking about ways to improve themselves and the planet so that the new “normal” will be healthier, happier, and more sustainable. One of the ways they’re achieving this goal is by […]

Corporations Dominate Natural Foods Market

natural foods packaging

Fortis Solutions Group Blog Watch any current show about Los Angeles, and you’re bound to hear jokes about what people eat. Instead of a burger, someone might order a vegan, soy-free, organic bean patty — hold the bun — with a side of emulsified organic produce (some might call this “juice”). As entertaining as it […]

What Is A Dieline And Why Do I Need It?

A dieline serves as the template for how the final packaging will be printed and formed to contain your product. Maybe you have a package you really like that you want to replicate. We can take that package apart and determine where the folds are and where graphics can be located. If you have an […]

This is not a recycling code. And why does that matter?

I bet you thought it was! How many times have you looked at some piece of plastic and not known whether you can recycle it or not? If it has a code like the one above then it’s recyclable – right? Is the cap supposed to be thrown away? What about a blister pack, that […]

Need a package for your new product? Involve the printer early in the process!

If you are in the market for packaging for a new product, you might think that finding a designer and designing the package is the obvious first step. And while it is, it is also very important that you ensure that the designer you select is well versed in designing packaging AND understands the related […]